Complimentary Copy Information

Examination copies of text books are available to professors for adoption consideration who have not previously received copies. Rather than CAP sending out unsolicited books, we ask that you request a book through us, or on the book’s web page, and that your request matches the courses(s) you are teaching.

To request an examination copy, you will find a button on the bottom of each book page that says "Comp Copy." Follow this button and complete the form to request a copy.

Sample button: Comp Copy

Professors and other instructors may also request access to teachers manuals by emailing

When making your examination copy request, please include the following information: 1) the name of the course for which the book is being considered; 2) the semester(s) the course is taught; 3) the approximate enrollment for the course(s); and 4) the name and address of the institution (your mailing address) at which the course is to be taught.

Carolina Academic Press has always had a great reputation both for keeping costs down (compare our casebook prices to those of any other publisher) and for being willing to publish in areas that other publishers deem not financially viable enough.

However, please realize that if we just give out unlimited free copies, it drives up costs tremendously—and that affects what titles we can publish as well as the book prices for students.

For non-course books, or situations in which a complimentary copy is not available, please refer to our pro forma policy.